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Showing posts from September, 2016

OracleJet Grunt Build Fails with Could not resolve

While doing a grunt build of a oraclejet project in NetBeans, I was getting the below error. To resolve this, added systemProp.https.proxyHost=<proxy host=""> systemProp.https.proxyPort=<proxy host="" port=""> to in <user home="">/.gradle/ directory "D:\Program Files\nodejs\grunt.cmd" "oraclejet-build" Running "oraclejet-build" task Oracle JET Grunt plugin Processing Grunt command... [Warning] Missing platform. Default to android. Theme Name:Platform - alta:android Theme Version - 2.1.0 cleaning staging path..... copy files to staging directory..... copy finished... compiling sass.... sass compile skipped... running theme copy task..... theme copy finished... running theme injection task..... indexHtml theme path injection finished.. injecting index.html with cordova script... running injection task..... mainJs paths injection